
We present the artworks created in collaboration with other artists.
Beneath the Wheels Rivers Flow

Year: 2022
Author: Neva Lukić
Performer: Nevena Radulović
Initiated and supported by: Biljana Ćirić and Balkan Project
The point of departure for the performance is the Belgrade underneath Belgrade book (authors: Zoran Lj. Nikolić, Vidoje D. Golubović) that thematically continues on Walking with Water publication (conceived by Biljana Ćirić and Vladimir Nikolić). The poet delves into the history and underground topography of the city, researching its tunnels, caves and hidden waters, such as underground waters, underground rivers or seas that no longer exist, like the Pannonian sea which once upon a time touched the neogene sandbar, a nature monument in today’s Kalemegdan park. Beneath The Wheels Rivers Flow brings the viewer an insight into the turbulent history of Belgrade during two historical epochs – the war between the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire in the first half of the18th century and the period of the World War II. The main focus of this poetry is based on two rivers at the confluence of which Belgrade is situated – the Sava and the Danube, which represent points of connection and separation of the East and the West throughout history, and the boundary in contemporary times as well. The poetry was performed by dancer, singer and actor Nevena Radulović.
To the Sea a Lake or Another River

Exhibition location: Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb
Year: 2017
Authors: Sare Rajaei and Neva Lukić
This media triptych, the work of authors Sara Rajaei (1976) and Neva Lukić (1982) – active in both the Netherlands and Croatia – was held in November of 2017 at Galerija 90-60-90 Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb. This exhibition opens a series of artistic solutions, describing timeless causal and fundamental global shifts such as war conflicts, refugees, exile, semi-visible and obvious brutality – perpetuated by the powerful elite – and the desperation of the individual faced with the sinister historical force of the movement of beings and the rearrangement of space.
This media-text-visual research, consisting of active, reductive works composed of three simultaneous projections submerged in a dark space, results in the viewer becoming both mentally and physically trapped. The hypnotic reality of the works, occasionally abstract and minimalist and veiled in symbolism, is founded on the slow passing of time, a rhythmically slow tempo of visuality that is synchronously, unassumingly, post-Satieesquely (ed. Erik Satie, French composer, 19th-20th century) and impressionistically accompanied by minimalist electronic music (Milan Gatarić, composer). The camera is nearly imperceptible, giving the works – except for their abstract passages – a high dose of documentary authenticity.
Ivan Paić
The Motel
in the Well

Directors: Sara Rajaei and Neva Lukić
Medium: short film
Length: 23'04''
Year: 2016
Collection: Lima, Amsterdam
The story of different destinies which reside in a particular space, a motel... being everywhere and
nowhere, like a river that brings people together, and yet separates them, creating emotional and
physical borders between countries, between people... Water runs through the veins of the earth,
passes through the inner shelters, touches the roots of the trees, reaches the woods, and then the
motel, where the memories continue to live.